Wednesday, September 30, 2020

40 Seminar/Project Topics in Structural Engineering

40 Seminar/Project Topics in Structural Engineering

  1. Pushover analysis – cyclic loading, deterioration effect in RC Moment Frames in pushover analysis
  2. Rehabilitation – Evaluation of drift distribution
  3. Analysis of large dynamic structure in environment industry
  4. Theoretical study on High frequency fatigue behavior of concrete
  5. Seismic analysis of interlocking blocks in walls
  6. Estimation of marine salts behavior around the bridge structures
  7. A comparative study on durability of concrete tunnels undertaken in AP irrigation projects
  8. Prefabricated multistory structure, exposure to engineering seismicity
  9. Shape optimization of Reinforced underground tunnels
  10. Properties of Fiber Cement Boards for building partitions
  11. Behavior of RC Structures subjected to blasting
  12. The use of green materials in the construction of buildings
  13. Finite element model for double composite beam
  14. A new composite element for FRP Reinforced Concrete Slab
  15. Effect of shear lag on anchor bolt tension in a base plate
  16. Elastic plastic bending, load carrying capacity of steel members
  17. FE Analysis of lateral buckling of a plate curved in nature
  18. Green energy and indoor technologies for smart buildings
  19. Building environmental assessment methodology
  20. Numerical study on strengthening of composite bridges
  21. Strengthening effect for RC member under negative bending
  22. Effect of negative Poisson’s ratio on  bending of RC member
  23. Macroeconomic cause within the life cycle of bridges
  24. Long term deflections of long-span bridges
  25. Structural damage detection in plates using wavelet theories (transforms)
  26. Hybrid Simulations: Theory and Applications
  27. Engineered Wood in Cold Climate
  28. Mechanical Properties and Engineering Application of Modern Timber
  29. Hybrid Structural Systems and Innovation Design Method
  30. Design of Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry Basement
  31. Nonlinear Analysis of a New 3D Skip-Floor Staggered Shear Wall Structure
  32. Advances in Civil Infrastructure Engineering
  33. Mechanical Performance of an Irregular Kiewitt Dome Structure
  34. Shear Distribution Coefficient Study under Horizontal Force
  35. Structural Damage Identification Method and Program Designing Based on Statistical Analysis
  36. Prescriptive or Performance Design for Fire?
  37. Deflection Control by Design
  38. New Code Provisions for Long Term Deflection Calculations
  39. Retrofitting and Repairing with composite materials
  40. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement and Crack Control

Sunday, September 27, 2020

GATE 2021.

  • Dates of examination: Friday 5th, Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th, Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th February, 2021. There are two sessions (forenoon and afternoon) each day.

  • Fully Computer Based Test (CBT).

  • Two NEW subject papers are introduced:
    1. ES (Environmental Science and Engineering)
    2. XH (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Economics / English / Linguistics / Philosophy / Psychology / Sociology.

  • Total number of subject papers: 27

  • Syllabi of all subject papers have been revised for GATE 2021.

  • All Test Papers of GATE 2021 will be entirely objective type.
    The pattern of questions will include some Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), while the remaining questions may include Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions.

ESE exams syllabus for civil engineering

Syllabus for ESE

Standard & Syllabi


The standard of paper in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (Preliminary Stage-I Examination) will be such as may be expected of an Engineering/Science Graduate. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be that of an Engineering Degree Examination of an Indian University. There will be no practical examination in any of the subjects.

General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (Preliminary Examination/Stage-I, Paper I, Objective type, Common to all Candidates)

1. Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic and industrial development
2. Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability
3. Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
4. General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
5. Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
6. Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment
7. Basics of Project Management
8. Basics of Material Science and Engineering
9. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.
10. Ethics and values in Engineering profession.

Note: The paper in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude will include Knowledge of relevant topics as may be expected from an engineering graduate, without special study. Questions from all the 10 topics mentioned above shall be set. Marks for each Topic may range from 5% to 15% of the total marks in the paper.

Civil Engineering

Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Preliminary Examination/Stage-I (objective type Paper-II) and separately for Main/Stage-II Examination (Conventional type Paper-I and Paper-II).


1. Building Materials:

Stone, Lime, Glass, Plastics, Steel, FRP, Ceramics, Aluminum, Fly Ash, Basic Admixtures, Timber, Bricks and Aggregates: Classification, properties and selection criteria;

Cement: Types, Composition, Properties, Uses, Specifications and various Tests; Lime & Cement Mortars and Concrete: Properties and various Tests; Design of Concrete Mixes: Proportioning of aggregates and methods of mix design.

2. Solid Mechanics:

Elastic constants, Stress, plane stress, Strains, plane strain, Mohr’s circle of stress and strain, Elastic theories of failure, Principal Stresses, Bending, Shear and Torsion.

3.Structural Analysis:

Basics of strength of materials, Types of stresses and strains, Bending moments and shear force, concept of bending and shear stresses; Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures; Trusses, beams, plane frames; Rolling loads, Influence Lines, Unit load method & other methods; Free and Forced vibrations of single degree and multi degree freedom system; Suspended Cables; Concepts and use of Computer Aided Design.

4. Design of Steel Structures:

Principles of Working Stress methods, Design of tension and compression members, Design of beams and beam column connections, built-up sections, Girders, Industrial roofs, Principles of Ultimate load design.

5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures:

Limit state design for bending, shear, axial compression and combined forces; Design of beams, Slabs, Lintels, Foundations, Retaining walls, Tanks, Staircases; Principles of pre-stressed concrete design including materials and methods; Earthquake resistant design of structures; Design of Masonry Structure.

6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management:

Construction - Planning, Equipment, Site investigation and Management including Estimation with latest project management tools and network analysis for different Types of works; Analysis of Rates of various types of works; Tendering Process and Contract Management, Quality Control, Productivity, Operation Cost; Land acquisition; Labour safety and welfare.



  1. Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power:

(a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow:

Fluid properties; Dimensional Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics and measurements; Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel flow, Flow controls. Hydraulic jump; Surges; Pipe networks.

(b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power -

Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic turbines – types, classifications & performance parameters; Power house – classification and layout, storage, pondage, control of supply.

2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering:

Hydrological cycle, Ground water hydrology, Well hydrology and related data analysis; Streams and their gauging; River morphology; Flood, drought and their management; Capacity of Reservoirs.

Water Resources Engineering : Multipurpose uses of Water, River basins and their potential; Irrigation systems, water demand assessment; Resources - storages and their yields; Water logging, canal and drainage design, Gravity dams, falls, weirs, Energy dissipaters, barrage Distribution works, Cross drainage works and head-works and their design; Concepts in canal design, construction & maintenance; River training, measurement and analysis of rainfall.

3. Environmental Engineering:

(a) Water Supply Engineering:

Sources, Estimation, quality standards and testing of water and their treatment; Rural, Institutional and industrial water supply; Physical, chemical and biological characteristics and sources of water, Pollutants in water and its effects, Estimation of water demand; Drinking water Standards, Water Treatment Plants, Water distribution networks.

(b) Waste Water Engineering:

Planning & design of domestic waste water, sewage collection and disposal; Plumbing Systems. Components and layout of sewerage system; Planning & design of Domestic Waste-water disposal system; Sludge management including treatment, disposal and re-use of treated effluents; Industrial waste waters and Effluent Treatment Plants including institutional and industrial sewage management.

(c) Solid Waste Management:

Sources & classification of solid wastes along with planning & design of its management system; Disposal system, Beneficial aspects of wastes and Utilization by Civil Engineers.

(d) Air, Noise pollution and Ecology:

Concepts & general methodology.

4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering :

(a) Geo-technical Engineering:

Soil exploration - planning & methods, Properties of soil, classification, various tests and interrelationships; Permeability & Seepage, Compressibility, consolidation and Shearing resistance, Earth pressure theories and stress distribution in soil; Properties and uses of geo-synthetics.

(b)Foundation Engineering:

Types of foundations & selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, design and testing of shallow & deep foundations; Slope stability analysis, Earthen embankments, Dams and Earth retaining structures: types, analysis and design, Principles of ground modifications.

5. Surveying and Geology:

(a) Surveying:

Classification of surveys, various methodologies, instruments & analysis of measurement of distances, elevation and directions; Field astronomy, Global Positioning System; Map preparation; Photogrammetry; Remote sensing concepts; Survey Layout for culverts, canals, bridges, road/railway alignment and buildings, Setting out of Curves.

(b) Geology:

Basic knowledge of Engineering geology & its application in projects.

6. Transportation Engineering:

Highways - Planning & construction methodology, Alignment and geometric design; Traffic Surveys and Controls; Principles of Flexible and Rigid pavements design.
Tunneling - Alignment, methods of construction, disposal of muck, drainage, lighting and ventilation.
Railways Systems – Terminology, Planning, designs and maintenance practices; track modernization. Harbours – Terminology, layouts and planning.
Airports – Layout, planning & design.

IES Exam Pattern

Section I

1. The examination shall be conducted according to the following plan:—

  1. Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for the Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination;
  2. Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers) and
  3. Stage-III: Personality Test

Sunday, September 13, 2020

hygiene motivation thory

1. Using the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Irving Herzberg. comprehensively analyze your organization, either current or past  employment, and apply by identiflying
three factors of satistaction and three
factors of dissatisfaction. Give a
recommendation on how you would
remedy EACH of your organizational


According to Herzberg, the factors leading
to job satisfaction are "'separate and
distinct from those that lead to job
satistaction. Therefore, if we set about
eliminating dissatisfying job factors, we
may create peace but not necessarily
ennance perrormance. Ihis placates our
workforce instead or actualy motivating
them to improve performance.

generally there r so many factors of
satisfaction & dissatisfaction but in
points of vew by considering three of each

Factors for Satisfaction are:
achievement ,recognition.growth

Factors for Dissatisfaction: Salary
Status, Security

according to this theory, we need to consider two-stage process of motivation factors to eliminate the satisfaction &

Herzberg says you need to address the
motivating factors associated with work
He called this "job enrichment. His
premise was that every job should be
examined to determine how it could be
made better and more satisfying to the
person doing the work. Things to consider

Providing opportunities for

Recognizing people's contributions.
Creating work that is rewarding and
that matches people's skills and
abiitiese Herzberg called the causes of
dissatisfaction "hyglene factors: To get rid
of them, We need Fix poor and obstructive company

Build job status by providing
meaningrul work for all positions.
Provide job security.

Thursday, September 10, 2020



Instruction: Read and analyze the scenario. Critically review and assess the situation and the recruitment practice.

Wilson is opening a new warehouse in Dubai to support its six sports retail outlets in the UAE. The company already has warehouses at two UAE sites, but aggressive expansion plans have seen 12 new stores opening the last 3 years. Dave Abraham is part of Wilson’s head office HR team and has been tasked with managing the recruitment for the warehouse, which is due to open in 6 months. Based on the existing warehouse staffing structure, a number of different job roles have been identified:

• Warehouse Supervisor

• Shift Supervisor

• Warehouse Manager

• Staff Canteen Supervisor

• Staff Canteen Assistant

Dave has typically dealt with recruitment to management positions both at the head office and the stores and has been very successful in attracting applicants using the company website. 

Yet one month to go before the warehouse is due to be up and running, there are still 37 vacancies for warehouse operatives as well as two canteen assistants.


1. Why is Dave’s usual recruitment method unsuccessful in this case?

2. The new warehouse manager gave his word a month before the warehouse was due to open. Which recruitment method do you think would be most appropriate at this stage?

3. Dave reviewed the recruitment process for the warehouse and concluded that a mixed approach would be more effective in this case.

1. What issues could this have presented?

2. What are the best possible mixes?

4. Would internal hiring solve the issue?

5. Critically analyze the different job roles. Do you think some of the positions can be externally sourced? Why? How about internal sourcing? Why?

6. If you were Dave, list the possible steps that Dave could have implemented in order for the recruitment process to be successful.

1.ans: dave is unsuccessful in his usual recruitment because of his cearless work, He should have to try both internally and externally as well as multiple ways of recruitment ,as we know He used only their company website for short time one process might not effective even there was a month only due of opening wearhouse.

2.ans:  as per my point of view most appropriate hiring at this stage should be Inclusivejob adverts, Programmatic advertising,video interviewing ,Passive candidates, Employee referrals,Texting ,Social media 


 1.ans: because that time they don't have much time,the new wearhouse manager gave his last word a month ago of opening the wearhouses and Dave was unsuccessful lastly he decided for mixing approceh will better.

2.ans: in this case we should apply the process as son as possible by Depending on our needs and challenges, 

we can emphasize one or more components of the recruitment mix; focus on one only; or build up a long-term strategy balancing the four of them.RecruitmentMarketing, Recruitment Agencies, Sourcing and Employee Referral Programs


    No,as i mentioned above both internally as well as externally should recruit, only internal hiring not possible to solve the issues, because there so many members required, 


6.ans:  If  I were Dave, the possible steps that i would like to have implemente for successful.

     • Developinga recruiting strategy is paramount to our hiring efforts. But without a united effort among our recruiters, both our hiring and retention efforts are liable to suffer.

       • by Consider tying aspects of recruiter compensation or bonuses to performance. If you opt to tie compensation to performance, try including metrics such as attrition and fill rate

     •   I would Carefully determine each role on the recruiting team and hire specifically to that role. While some junior recruiters might be able to handle filling positions with an abundance of applicants, positions requiring candidates with a more refined set of skills – like developers

      Focus on Internet Based Recruiting and Employee Referrals, Many of the most effective recruiting strategies are those in which recruiters take a step back and look at their efforts through the eyes of a marketer

       The most important Sources Provide the Best Candidates, now in modern days such as linkedin is high performers come job boards,also tend to come from career sites like                                        by applying all of above points Dave might had success.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

HR HIRING||In HR hiring. there is a common impression that there's no greater source for talent than EMPLOYEEREFERRALS when it comes to recruiting when one considers quality, effectiveness, match, retention, or virtually any measure of which a recruiter or HR department can be kept accountable. To quote Linkedinresearch, The most popular channel for finding new hires is through employee referrals; up to 48% come from them.

4. In HR hiring. there is a common impression that there's no greater source for talent than EMPLOYEE
REFERRALS when it comes to recruiting when one considers quality, effectiveness, match, retention, or virtually any measure of which a recruiter or HR department can be kept accountable. To quote Linkedin
research, The most popular channel for finding new hires is through employee referrals; up to 48% come from them

A. Critically analyze whether hiring through referal is effective and produces better hires in organizations.
Support your answer by giving one example.

B. What are the other organizational or skill factors that you think should be considered aside from referrals to
ensure quality hiring? Why?

C. Discuss critically whether referral goes against the principles of antidiscrimination and equal opportunity employment.

Employee referrals are a very common means by which firms hire new workers. Past work suggests that workers hired via referrals often perform better than non-referred workers and  upcourge it's more effective, but we have little understanding as to why. here we demonstrate that this is primarily,because referrals allow firms to select workers better-suited for particular jobs. to test our model. Referred workers are 10-30% less likely to quit and have substantially higner performance on non-rare metrics. To identify the source of these behavioral differences, we
develop four new statistical tests, all of which indicate that firms benefit from reterrals predominanty by selecting workers with a better fit for the job, as opposed to referrals selecting workers with higher overall quality; to referrals enabling monitoring or coaching; or
to it being more enjoyable to work with friends. We document that workers refer others like themselves, not only in characteristics but in behavior like unsafe workers refer, suggesting that firms may gain by incentivizing referrals most from their best Workers. Referred workers achieve substantially higher profits per worker and the difference is driven by referrals from high productivity workers.
      EXAMPLE, Freelancing marketplace Fiverr wanted to increase employee referrals by tracking social job sharing and adding gamification by offering points for sharing jobs and referring friends.

b) ans;
There are so many technique in different ways  for hiring new candidate,here providing three important methods such as 
i) Inclusive job adverts
In  beginning of recruitment process… with the job adverts. Believe it or not, the wording of your job adverts matters.The words we use and the way phrase things can put off entire groups of the candidate population. To avoid such a thing and to keep our candidate pool as large as possible,we can use an AI-driven writing tool for instance.
       This kind of tool scans heaps of documents and  based on this data  predicts exactly what job advert will succeed where others fail based on this data.

ii) Programmatic advertising:
 it is the process here definitely something we use for our online recruiting.
Recruiting on sites where our target candidates hang out, however, can be pretty innovative,The key takeaway here is: know our candidates. Because once we do,and  can use programmatic advertising  or another recruitment method to make sure they see our job advert.

iii) Video interviewing
      This is one of self-explanatory way. it doesn't make less effective recruiting method though On the country. Using video technology can be a great option when we’ve got candidates that live abroad; it saves both of time and money – and we can still benefit from a much larger candidate pool.
           This kind of technology collects data on things like verbal response, eye movements and non-verbal communication and uses this information to predict a candidate’s likelihood of success in their future job.

iii)c) ans;
By the point snof view referral doesn't goes against the principles of antidiscrimination and equal opportunity employment.
The objectives of this Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Anti-Discrimination Policy are to ensure that all

1. DEF's employees or potential employees do not suffer unfair discrimination in the workplace.

2. Individuals and groups within the DEF work in an environment where all decisions are free of discrimination, where they have equal opportunity based on relevant abilities and merit.

3. Employees are encouraged to take positive action towards promoting equal opportunity throughout the organization.

4. Personnel actions, such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, company-sponsored training programs, and social and recreational programs, will be administered on a non-discriminatory basis.
5. Application of labour laws to be uniformly applied in the organization.

Digital innovation || Digital innovation is an essential aspect of business growth that aligns with the current global technologicaldevelopment trend. For example, Dubai is at the forefront of digital innovation, encouraging businesses toembrace the digital revolution. Restaurants use apps, hospitality, and taxi industries are app-driven, etc.Evaluate the impact of a technology-driven industry for small organizations or new business entrants. Provide an example of a UAE business that you think has sutfered due to its inability to adapt to the ever-changing and developing data driven industry.

3. Digital innovation is an essential aspect of business growth that aligns with the current global technological
development trend. For example, Dubai is at the forefront of digital innovation, encouraging businesses to
embrace the digital revolution. Restaurants use apps, hospitality, and taxi industries are app-driven, etc.
Evaluate the impact of a technology-driven industry for small organizations or new business entrants. Provide an example of a UAE business that you think has sutfered due to its inability to adapt to the ever-changing and developing data driven industry.

When a new company enters in market, the variables that influence the performance of the existence business may change and we have to maintain our position by preparing new planne . However the new company overcomes the existing barriers to entry can guide we in our strategic reaction to the new situation. As the market changes, we have to take into account the strengths of the new entrant when forming a strategy to keep our position as it is before, unless market will goes down.
   On the otherhand if the existing organization will not lose their position because of them the new company may not successful for coming days as we know there is nothing in universe that two similar things will succeed in same time.To control the organization system there have some important points mentioned in below


Typical barriers to entry for a market are high capital costs to establish manufacturing or perfectly  stand with customer loyalty resulting from special product features, or economies of scale if existing competitors are large operations. If the new entrant invests heavily, we have to examine whether they have extensive capital resources or whether the investment has stretched their capacity. If they introduce a product similar to ours, we have to react. If they are smaller than our company, they will not have economies of scale able to compete on price.


When a new buyer enters a market, suppliers often can raise prices because of higher demand. The new entrant needs the same materials and components we do to offer the same kinds of products in the market. If we can lock in our supplier costs with long-term contracts while the suppliers charge the new entrant higher prices, we can maintain our pricing structure and compete on quality and unique features. If our suppliers raise prices, we can reduce inventory and seek substitutes for the most expensive items.

there are so many Small or new businesses in the UAE had failed because of their inability to stand with global technology, here one such a example provided,which was failed in the Emirate

the organization SMEs was failed because of flowing reasons


one of the organizer says the ability to raise capital is crucial, given how thin capital markets are for early stage companies in our region.

but  there are two aspects of capital to watch out for: not having enough, and not spending it wisely.

There have been many startups with modest capital that have done well, The key is to maximise on the available resources and shed keeping up appearances, 

that one key factor to consider is that it is absolutely critical for early stage companies to be helmed by a founding team able to address challenges in market realities and adapting or pivoting the business to address the challenges,

“Most early stage companies will have to re-invent themselves in a process of continuous evolution before they reach a stable path to growth and sustainability.”