Air Arabia has recruited you to develop their brard. to improve their brand equity, increase their brand elements and develop their brand commmitles.
In no more tlhan 3,000 words devise a clear brand strategy where you elevate Air Arabin from where it is today to become thbe most importat Low-Cost carrier in the UAE.
The report should include the folloning:
1-An Introduction to the question & your approach to answering it.
2 -A short review of the Brand & its elements as it is today including where you see the company has considered the 4 P's of Marketing
3 -A Brand Strategy that you shall recomnend to develop the Brand.
4 -What you recommend to do to develop the Brand Equity.
5 -What you recomunend to do to develop the Brand Elements.
6 -What you recommend to do to develep the Brand Communities
7 -A summary on your recommendations& the way forward.
*References (Adbering to Harvard Referencing Format)
Ans,- By considering the Harvard style format References
References data:-
it is the biggest airline in middle East region,i m being here to saying about development of brand, Brand elements, equity and brand community the following steps r all about these.
Brand elements includes-