Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wash Boring

Wash Boring

Wash by tripod and boring pulley. consists a casing pipe usually through a
by driving a Equipment casing of driving used in wash.boring is shown in heavy figure drop 1.4he hammer
to a depth of 1.5 m or3.0 m The casing is then cleaned out holeied supp
of a chopping casing. by
bit fastened to the lower end of the drill rod which is inšerted inside the casing

Waler is forced down through tbe drill nd whicb then emergos out  at a high speed througn the small Tub csing opening, cuttingelhe can water from be hose which and in drill twisledas andd the it is rtI drill they drill iuguin overflows rol pumped is in soil The Various primarily strata slurry nal is cxtcaled raiscd is prUvidcd through the tuough between the bit Tr en raises carrying at top fragmentsof are and
cun sumplers. useful he soil guessed us fronm uixture nd dropped with a
udditionul on swivel huse of the a intu casing suils the or water a meas of the tlowing advancing rale of prngress poviules casing soil joint the drill through ro out is at driven the that botom the drill The  T-connection the annular spacc
u conncction w1th a hole and in ihe slurry indicatjon the of an as hole the rod hole, and the between sunip interval Llowing of
betwcen vut. the progresses, thius chopping uhe or so ucilitating bit Huwever, soil type. sanmples this The taken inethod change with
Can use of inexpensive
difficult atud terain. easily
he used in portable handling and dilling cquipnments,