Objectives of soil exploration can be listed as follows:
i)to access the general suitability of the site
ii) to achieve safe and economical design of foundations and temporary works.
iii) To know the nature of each stratum and engineering propertIes or the SOlL and rock, which may alfect the designàind mode ôf construction of proposed structure and roundation.
iv) To foresee and provide against dificulties that may arise during construction due to ground
and other local conditions.
v)To find out the sources.of.construction material and selection of sites for disposal of water Surplus material.
vi) to investigate the occurrence or causes of all natural and manmade changes in conditionsand
the results arising from such changes.
ViI) To ensure the safety of surrounding exIsting structures.
ViIl) lo design for the failed structures
unsafe. or remedial measures for the structures deemed to be
ix)to locate the ground water leveland possible corroSIve etfectof soil and water on foundation materials
X) To delemine the.solution of construction problems
any like
environmental problems. sheeting, dewatering or rock excavation.