The basic requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are that it should be
(a) short
b) easy
(c) safe, and
Short It is desirable to have a short (or shortest) alignment between two terminal
stations. A straight alignment would be the shortest, though there may be several
practical considerations which would cause deviations from the shortest path.
Easy: The alignment should be such that it is easy to construct and maintain the road with minimum problems. Also the alignment should be easy for the operation of vehicles with easy gradients and curves.
Safe: The alignment should be safe enough for construction and maintenance from the view point of stability of natural hill slopes, embankment and cut slopes and foundation of embankments. Also it should be safe for the traffic operation with safe geometric features.
Economical: The road alignment could be considered economical only if the total cost including initial cost, maintenance cost and vehicle operation cost is lowest. All these factors should be given due consiaeraton berore Working out the economics of each alignment.
The alignment should be such that 1t would offer maximum utility by serving
maximum population and products. 1he utiity of a road should be judged from its utility value per unit length of road