Wednesday, May 6, 2020

what is Central Road Fund(CRF)

Central Road Fund

Based on the authority of a resolution adopted by the Indian Legislature, uc
Koad Fund (C.R.F) was formed on Ist march 1929. The consumers of Petro
charged an extra leavy of 2.64 paisa per litre (then two annas per gallon) of petrol to Duid
ro development fund 20 percent of the annual revenue is to be retainea

as a

eniral Reserve, from which grants are to be given by the Central Government for

cexpenses on the administration of the road fund, road experiments and research
on road and bridge projects of special importance. The balance 80 percent 1s tO De
alloted Dy the Central Government to the various states based on actual petrol


or revenue collected. The accounts of the Central Road Fund are

maintained by the Accountant General of Central Revenues and the control on the
expenditure is exercised by the Roads Wing of Ministry of Transport. Recently the rate
of collection of the levy towards the CRF has been revised in order to augment the
revenue under this fund.